Center for Public Sector Innovation
What we do…
LabX – Centre for Innovation in the Public Sector is an organic unit integrated in the Administrative Modernization Agency (AMA, I.P.).
LabX’s mission is to contribute to the innovation ecosystem in the Public Administration, promoting the renewal of public services, suitable to the real needs of citizens and companies.
The permanent adaptation of the Public Administration (PA) to society has a positive impact on the lives of people, businesses and civil society organisations and renews the legitimacy of the State and public institutions as central actors of a cohesive, prosperous and democratic society. Supporting Public Administration in this process of continuous transformation is the purpose of the Centre for Innovation in the Public Sector.
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This is the NETWORK for all Public Administration Innovators!
The Innovators Network aims to foster the innovative spirit in the public sector, connecting in a transversal way public entities regardless of their sector of activity.
The network promotes the sharing and dissemination of good practices through the incubation and mentoring of experimental projects, the training of network members, the development of tools and methodologies, the promotion of events open to the innovation ecosystem in Portugal, among others.
An experimentation laboratory is a space that promotes research to inform decisions and makes use of collective creativity to generate ideas to provide answers to the challenges faced by public organisations. It makes use of experimentation to test solutions with citizens and Public Administration workers, in a real and controlled risk environment, to validate and implement them.
It is a small-scale structure made up of a team with specific skills and knowledge to address and deal with complex challenges in an innovative and creative way, using appropriate tools and methodologies.
Learn more about Experimentation Labs and how LabX can help you develop a lab in your organization!