Co-creation of a Self-Service Accelerator

22 December 2020

In a partnership with the Department of Social, Political and Territory Sciences at the University of Aveiro, we held a co-creation session, in Aveiro, where citizens and those responsible for managing the face-to-face service of the Citizen Stores were present, in order to generate ideas and identify features for a physical space where citizens can perform various digital public services autonomously.

This collaborative session, which was attended by citizens and those responsible for managing the face-to-face service of Citizen Shops, was designed with the purpose of identifying the characteristics that a space should have to function as a Self-Service Accelerator in Aveiro Citizen Shop.

Through various exercises and group dynamics, making use of the participants’ individual experiences – negative and positive – with digital services, in an empathic approach, a mapping of the desired experience was sought for a space for training in the use of state digital channels.

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